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We have found that client’s that are eager to learn and try new parenting techniques tend to have quicker behavior modifications and attachment. The more tools you have in your toolbox, the more your family can build successful relationships. More often than not, in the early phases of adoption, we see that CONSISTENT disciplining is the best treatment. A question to consider is: What is this behavior trying to tell me? There is always a message behind the behavior. How you as the parent respond is key. There are major differences between discipline and punishment responses.

Disciplining is a proactive approach that teaches self-control, self-responsibility, offers structure and guidance that children can then rely on their own inner controls and rules that they have learned. Punishment on the other hand it is punitive, reactive, imposed on child, imposes sanctions and enforcement, which doesn’t not teach preferred expected behavior, and can cause children to learn to avoid and fear adults. Using corporal punishment with an adopted child is not a justified form of discipline. We have attached at the bottom of this resource guide some articles, information, education and literature on this topic. We are more than happy to discuss with you the negative impact of using corporal punishment on an adopted child, as well as discussed positive alternatives in disciplining. These resources below can help your family create a plan how to take difficult situations and turn them into teaching opportunities. Other useful AAPA topics that overlap with Disciplining are: Attachment, Difficult Behavior, Anxiety & Sensory Overload, Post Adoption Depression (PAD), Grief & Loss, Abuse, Neglect, & Trauma. This resource guide is not an all-inclusive list, rather a tool to help you access the information you need.


AAPA Discipline (PDF)

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